Mithuna Sivaraman

Photo credit: Vero Kherian Photography

Photo credit: Vero Kherian Photography

Soprano Mithuna Sivaraman is thrilled to make her role debut as Clizia with Cantanti Project. Since relocating from San Francisco in 2018, she performed the role of Drusilla (L’incoronazione di Poppea) with New York Lyric Opera Theater, and appeared in the ensemble of New Camerata Opera’s double bill of Venus and Adonis/Savitri (she also covered the role of Savitri). Other roles include Belinda (Dido and Aeneas), Gretel (Hansel and Gretel), and First Spirit (Die Zauberflöte). Mithuna is also an experienced choral artist, and is singing her first season with Downtown Voices at Trinity Wall Street. Furthermore, Mithuna is extensively trained in Hindustani and Carnatic voice, with teachers including Ustad Vilayat Khan and D.K. Pattammal. In her non-singing life, Mithuna is a seasoned transfer pricing specialist with the international tax practice at Ernst & Young LLP. She graduated from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in 2008, earned her JD from Emory Law in 2013, and is a California-licensed attorney.